Bookmarks tagged France

18 Mar
In March 2023, Death Whore decided to remix and remaster "Total Teutonic Torso" EP, as the "Definitive Version" :
"We thought that the initial version of the EP was good and had its charms, but did not have the sound we wanted. So we remixed and remastered the EP and the result is very significant: the sound is much closer to how we sound live, which really does justice to the songs. It was very important for us to deliver to the listeners the real thing and to release the best EP we could do. We consider this version as the definitive. We hope you'll like it as much as we do !" Source: Bandcamp
8 Mar
“‘L’Envol‘ is a musical return to the atmosphere of Alcest‘s first albums. I wrote this song after an inspiring trip to Corsica, where I met amazing people and was surrounded by some of the most unique landscapes I have ever seen. It is about escaping from earthly reality to join a flock of mythical birds flying through the known boundaries of our world.
The song is accompanied by a music video created by the talented French artist Yoann Lossel, who also designed the album cover. For this first single release, we wanted the music, lyrics and visuals to be as coherent and immersive as possible. All the tracks on Les Chants de l’Aurore are very different from one another, but we thought this one would be a great introduction to the overall atmosphere and themes of the album.”
7 Feb
If patience is a virtue, Love Sex Machine might as well be saints; albeit saints with a taste for the filthiest sludge metal riffs offset by down-tempo, post-metal grooves and a fiendish sense of lyrical humour. ‘Trve’ is 10 long-awaited tracks of revitalised righteous indignation, wry social commentary and, of course, unspeakably disgusting heaviness. Source : Bandcamp
13 Jan
"Birds in Row & Coilguns" represents an exciting culmination of their collaborative efforts, offering a unique musical experience that reflects their shared passion and creative energy. Source: Bandcamp