Latest bookmarks (page 3 of 5)

7 Feb
If patience is a virtue, Love Sex Machine might as well be saints; albeit saints with a taste for the filthiest sludge metal riffs offset by down-tempo, post-metal grooves and a fiendish sense of lyrical humour. ‘Trve’ is 10 long-awaited tracks of revitalised righteous indignation, wry social commentary and, of course, unspeakably disgusting heaviness. Source : Bandcamp
3 Feb
"Toadliquor is a band of sin and loathing. At least, that's how they sound. I don't think that I've heard a group that smells like blood, wine, and gasoline, but here we are. Sludge in your veins." Source: Bandcamp
20 Jan
Born out of the Danish punk/metal scene, OXX has since grown into a feral beast of its own by weaving elements of avant/free music, afrobeat, and film scoring into its compositions. The band’s raw, spontaneous blend of chaotic hardcore, sludge, and crust acts as an extension of the lyrics; an unfiltered, feverish stream of thought—bits and pieces of novels, obscure cinema, video games, etc. rushing by in a maelstrom of impressions of existence filtered through the eyes of the woefully unstable. Source:
20 Jan
Horned Lord Of The Thorned Castle is a perfect combination of the atmosphere from Piercing Through the Frozen Eternity and the rawness of Nightwind: The Conqueror from the Stars, the band’s two EPs released in 2022 and early 2023.
Moonlight Sorcery wants to raise the bar, and these new nine songs have even more melodic hooks and shreddy guitar work. Frozen synth walls further develop the Finnish trio’s unique sound, a vibe you cannot find in any other black metal record. Source: Bandcamp
20 Jan
Over a decade since their last outing, European stoner/desert rock progenitors Dozer have reawakened with a vengeance. Drifting in the Endless Void is a fiery, amp-splitting rumble of a record, a gravitational mass packed with space-tripping grooves, massive sludge and red-eyed psychedelics. Dozer's explosive return to the musical landscape they helped shape is a truly unmissable experience! Source: Bandcamp
13 Jan
"Birds in Row & Coilguns" represents an exciting culmination of their collaborative efforts, offering a unique musical experience that reflects their shared passion and creative energy. Source: Bandcamp
12 Jan
Inspired by classical music, free jazz and drone the two classically trained brothers Benjamin and Guillaume Colin have been creating lo-f experimental post-doom epics in the vein of Year of No Light, Dirge and Omega Massif since 2016. “WuW is the sound wind makes when it blows on a hot night,” explains the band, “It’s a low-end murmur that grabs you by the guts, a blast of air rushing through the mountains and the oceans.” Their upcoming third album Orchaostre is an anthem to a restless journey, a fve-part doom symphony that creates a shroud of oppressive atmospheres with only a pinch of light. Source: Bandcamp
7 Jan
Specializing in the unexpected, Max and Sam have wrought an individual sound that's as much post-Melvins sludge punk as it is futurist prog metal. Their forthcoming self-titled debut, recorded in 2022 at High-Bias in Detroit, puts on display the fruits of their metamorphosis. From the soaring triumphal fuzz of "Uncanny Valley" or the sweep and thrust of "House of Butterflies” their craft is precise, they're just making up their own shapes to sculpt. Source:
27 Dec 2023
New Zealand Multi-instrumentalist and Psychedelic guru Craig Williamson returns with an album of classic Lamp of Universe tunes. Full of artifacts from the original era, including Mellotron, fuzz guitar, Sitar, swirling effects and trippy vocal harmonies, this album touches the Psychedelic Psoul. Source
26 Dec 2023
"Hailing from Denmark, and producing a nasty concoction of hardcore with a twist of metal, EYES is releasing their second full-length album Congratulations. This album is a fierce display of aggravation through music. Biting vocals follow harsh instrumentals throughout the record. Every song is an audible panic attack, engulfing the listener and taking them through a cascade of pounding tones. You’re not going to want to miss this.
Congratulations verges on metal with how brutal the instrumentals are. Riff heavy guitars lead the rest of the band through a carnage of grindcore-esque screams, backed by drums that deliver a fateful blow on every hit of the drumhead. Each track is a gut punch, destroying the listener through EYES’ own unique hardcore style. If you’re a hardcore fan, you’ll appreciate this record." Source: