EYES - Congratulations (2023)

26 Dec 2023 eyescph.bandcamp.com
"Hailing from Denmark, and producing a nasty concoction of hardcore with a twist of metal, EYES is releasing their second full-length album Congratulations. This album is a fierce display of aggravation through music. Biting vocals follow harsh instrumentals throughout the record. Every song is an audible panic attack, engulfing the listener and taking them through a cascade of pounding tones. You’re not going to want to miss this.
Congratulations verges on metal with how brutal the instrumentals are. Riff heavy guitars lead the rest of the band through a carnage of grindcore-esque screams, backed by drums that deliver a fateful blow on every hit of the drumhead. Each track is a gut punch, destroying the listener through EYES’ own unique hardcore style. If you’re a hardcore fan, you’ll appreciate this record." Source: Newnoisemagazine.com